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balayage hair color ideas
Beauty Fashion

Balayage hair color ideas

Balayage hair color ideas

For many years, hair strands have been an essential part of a woman’s style, because it can reinforce or ruin it completely, so it’s not something that should be taken lightly before making any change in the look. I recommend that you go to different stylists before to ask for suggestions and also quotes, that if once I tell you that there are different costs so you should consider several, the more hair you have and the longer this is going to cost more, in addition to maintaining a Hair with wicks can be expensive for maintenance treatments and those things. Based on the above I want to give you a little help with the best styles of hair strands 2017 – 2018 , I hope you like them.

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This style of wicks is the quintessential classic design is very discreet and fits mature women, the change can be moldable if you do not want it to be very extreme I recommend you paint the wicks on your natural hair without modifying the base, in change if you want something more extreme I recommend you paint the base of a harmonious color.

Balayage + California hair color

The best styles of hair strands 2017 - 2018

Image source: flair

Before the unexpected boom of the balayage wicks, the California wicks triumphed, which proposed a contrast of color in our shocking hair that gradually became the favorite of many women, but later combinations of these two styles of balayage wicks began to be made. with the Californian ones that consisted of taking a little above the light color and leaving the tips more loaded.

Bronze hair color

The best styles of hair strands 2017 - 2018

Image source: tudoela

The famous bronze wicks that face delevinge so fashionable became more and more, is an original proposal where the blonde tones are changed by brown, brown tones, that’s why the name bro by brown and nde by blonde. The good thing about this style is that you can see both blonde and brunette girls well.

balayage hair color

The best styles of hair strands 2017 - 2018

Image source: luciasecasa

One of the most popular styles of hair wicks of the moment are balayage wicks are super flattering for young girls and up to about 35 years since they give a very jovial look to your image. You can choose different tones from the lightest to the darkest depending on which change you want.

flamboyage hair color technique

The best styles of hair strands 2017 - 2018

Image source: fasbest

Today is one of the most used techniques in hair color because they allow you to get a very natural look in your hair you decide how clear you want on your hair, also how much you apply it. Find ideal recommendations for your skin tone and features. You’ll love this option!

Reflexes hair color

The best styles of hair strands 2017 - 2018

Source of the image:

Reflections are a subtle option for women who want a change but discreet, it can be for girls who have virgin hair and do not want to make a chemical process too strong. It can also be an incredible option for older women who want to give their hair a nice look.

Ombre balayage hair color

The best styles of hair strands 2017 - 2018

Image source: zibamoon

The hair ombre seeks to focus only on the tips of your hair creating a greater contrast with the rest of your hair, usually it does more girls with blonde hair Do you dare?

What is a Balayage for hair?

See more ideas for your hair here below: