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Eliminates cellulite and other toxins follow this technique

According to a study by the University of New Hampshire, the brushed dry help to get rid of dead skin that your body loses each day and thus helps to renew the cells and regenerate the skin

By: @Veroayhealthcoach 15 June 2015

The skin is the largest organ and through it you remove up to 1/4 of all the toxins that you have.

With dry brushing technique you can:

-Eliminate toxins more efficiently
-Improve circulation
-Reduce cellulite
-Improving cell regeneration
-Reduce stretch marks
-Achieve a firmer skin
-Having smoother skin

The technique is as follows: with a natural bristle brush brush your body in circles towards the heart. At the beginning you can burn the brush is new and it is very hard, but soon you will get used.

Do it all day before showering, so when you mess to the shower remove all dead cells and toxins you just cepillarFitne. Fitness

Click here if you want to know more tricks

as to lose cellulite

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