How to organize

How to organize

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How to organize for weight loss

Every new year the most if it is that not all people have 2 ideas in mind: 1. lose weight and 2. to organize the new year

As a Professional Organizer, I have come to realize that the two goals have much in common. So I thought that perhaps one can address both objectives by applying similar strategies.

We all know that you can lose weight by taking the approach of "Fast and furious". If you reduce your diet to liquids, carrots and celery and run a couple of miles every day, in two weeks which is bound to see some results. Similarly, if you take the time to pull half the mess in a room, return to organize the elements that remain, upgraded shelves with boxes or you need to contain your belongings, will have an organized room, while the rest of your House is a mess.

Then, what strategies can help sustain long-term goals year-round and extending it throughout life, sought after being shaped and organized? It occurred to me five common principles that seem to be the key to success in these areas:

    1. You have to set realistic goals – decide what you want is half the battle. Be an ideal weight? Or want all your organized House? In each case, took it a month to get to this place, so it is going to take a long time to exit these positions. It is best to set interim goals that are realistic and measurable so you feel motivated to keep abreast with the advances by slower you can feel. For example, "I'm going to hang my clothes in my closet and everything that does not fit, I will donate. Alternatively, "I'm going to stop eating fast food for the next three months." Achieve these small goals that will help you to work towards the major objective for the end of the year. It should not expect to lose 20 pounds in one month for meeting high school. And can't wait for all the House organized in a weekend. You only commit itself with the failure.
    2. Daily routines will help to maintain – all new and shiny equipment in the world can not help if you don't have healthy routines. It seems a well known phrase. Someone buys a weight loss plan, "This will help to get in shape." Someone buys an "Organizer" Cabinet or a desk and thinks: "this will help me to get organized." ERROR. You are just ready to get in shape and you only this resided can get be organized. The equipment can help you, no doubt, but the first thing you have to do is decide what you want and how you will get there. Then the right equipment makes sense. We have all heard the basic routines of diet: eating healthy foods and exercising daily. To stay organized, I recommend arrange daily, weekly cleaning and cleaning certain areas on a seasonal basis. It is also good to involve your family or those who live with you to what we are trying to do.
    3. Only buy what they are going to use – while more shopping, more you have to organize. And the more you eat, most should be exercising. It is a pretty basic concept. In other words, be conscious about what you eat and what you buy.
    4. As in all things, we must have balance – similar to the diet of shock it cannot be too extreme. You have to have a diet balanced as you should have a balanced life to be able to be organized. The best example of a balanced programming is one that is color coded. You can do this with many applications, including Google calendars. If you designate one color to work, exercise, family time, education, etc you can see how balanced or not their weekly and monthly programs are. Like a healthy dish is full of colour, so it is a health plan. And if there is a space in your diary or no space on your plate – simply doing or eating too much! So down to reasonable portions.
    5. Reward yourself appropriately to achieve their goals. You can not leave to give great food to reward yourself for weight loss. Just as you can't go shopping to fill a closet that just trimmed. Remember, "All things in moderation." Reward yourself with a new dress or suit to reach their ideal weight. And the reward with a decorative piece for the Organization of a room in your home.


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