How to organize

How to organize

Closet How to Organize

How to organize your Closet in autumn winter

The disorder is one of the issues that more us precupa so that in each season we must implement certain tricks to keep our home organized at all times.

Autumn is the best season to organize our closet, since in this season of the year usually there are warm days and cold days, so we have all kinds of artuculos, this time is the ideal you two so following tips

  1. Get 3 baskets or cartons
  2. Label them a will to summer, one for winter and another will be for the clothes that you have more 1 year unused, has a pit, you have not left by loss or weight gain, etc, i.e. all the clothes that you just don't get
  3. See pulling out one by an each garment and without thinking much choose which basket corresponds, if you think about it much so you have 5 years without using it will not want to get rid of it believe me ever happened, but the idea is des make us not we use and if it is in good condition can donate to people if they will give you use , believe me, will help you not to occupy a space in your home and also feel good having helped someone.
  4. Once it separates all the clothes, hanging in the closet, winter clothing, and summer clothing

As it feels much more spacious and more organized truth…

If already did this serious cleaning a places that you could send us photos and tell us about your experience



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