How to organize

How to organize


Luna blue 30 and 31 July

Leverages the power of this moon filled call: Blue Moon 30 and 31 July
Here comes the second full moon of the month of July, the first was on July 1 in the sign of Capricorn. This is what we call a blue moon, in the sign of Aquarius, and to give you an idea, the next will not occur until March 2018.

The Blue Moon in Aquarius reminds us once more that we belong to the same race of "homo sapiens", Dios will know why they have that name!, as the evidence shows otherwise, and that the differences of sex, gender, race, nationality are banalities that confuse us and us away from real work, which is work in group, to be able to bequeath a better world to our children and their children.

This planet is all like it or not and there is an urgency of integration if we continue to deny it, we will live in a hell similar to the Syria, today.
This is a great call, a great opportunity to unite, to stop seeing and criticizing the other, and act in love and group consciousness.

This full moon shakes especially the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and encourages us all to transcendental eyes, reminds us that our ancestors come from more than one flag, and that was in many cases because they were displaced and sought new lands and homes that today we enjoy the benefits and freedoms of which we are so proud.

If you're living a relationship that seems different and not accepted by society, live with the high forehead, then surely you are slicing through road for the generations that come after. We are all a little more Aquarius!

Blue Moon Ritual:

You need a candle, incense, a bowl of water, a quartz (stone or glass), you can if you wish to use any images that inspire you (Buddha, Jesus, some Guru, or angel that you feel connected), paper and pen.

1) have a good swim, preferably wear white or light colors, find a comfortable space inside or outside your home. Access the elements making a call, or a prayer of honor, fire, air, Earth and water. Do the ritual outside, under the light of the full moon, is powerful but not necessary.

(2) he began the ceremony. Light the candle and takes a few minutes to concentrate. If you wish, you can say a prayer, call your spirit guides, meditate or breathe deeply to begin with. Burning incense or herbs also is great to start a ritual.

(3) write anything you want to finish or that want to free yourself. For example: "I want to finish and dissolve all the bonds I have with any of my past love". The energy you put in order is important. It must always be on the positive, which means that there should never be the intention to injure, damage or despise anything or anyone. Just focus on yourself and think about the completion and release.

(4) when you are done, check out what you wrote. Read each purpose in a loud voice. Pause. Watch the flame of the candle and display the flame as if you surround and dissolve what you let go. If you are in a space where you can burn the paper, do so, but make sure you have a bowl of water to turn it off. Allow yourself to feel gratitude for these events, people or things that were once in your life. Get rid of this form returns energy to the universe and is a fantastic way to eliminate your loads.

(5) you breathe deeply several times. Let your feelings come out. When you let something go, emotions may emerge, and these are part of the completion process. Take all the time you need. This is also a time to celebrate what you have concluded.

(6) in order to conclude grabs your quartz or stone in your hands for a few minutes and concentrate on your job today, what you're doing and how you want to be. Keeps your quartz with you for the next few days, until the next Moon feels your love and enjoy!

Excellent Blue Moon!
Peace and light to your heart!
Sat Nam


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